Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Wow! Have we been busy...

Over the last few days, we have been extremely busy since my last posting.

Here is a quick run down:
6/17/11: Work @ LMH...12 hour shift....whew...so tired!

6/18/11: Denny's Birthday/Fathers Day Dinner....party of 14 please! NO, we didn't go out to eat, maybe we should have, hmmm...but none the less I decided to have everyone over for dinner at 6PM. We ended up cleaning the house, doing laundry, playing with Bray, and then finially cooking dinner.

  • Carolina Cheddar Drop Biscuits
  • Spiral Glazed Ham
  • Mike's Farm Mac 'n Cheese...and YES, I have the official recipe!
  • Pineapple Casserole
  • Fresh Butter Beans
  • Pasta Salad
  • Fresh Picked Corn on the Cob
  • Twinkie Cake
  • Pecan Pie
Ommmm....can you say DELCIOUS!!!!
(I probably could have ate my weight if I hadn't been so tired!)

6/19/11: Work @ LMH...another 12 hour shift. Denny went to his session meeting at church and then to play a round of golf  for Fathers Day.  After golf, Denny picked Bray up from Mrs. Phyllis and they all went to Sleepy Creek to have dinner with his Grandparents to celebrate Fathers Day...steaks on the grill ( they brought me back a plate)

6/20/11: Back to work @ LMH...work was great, actually had time to think about what I wanted to do for Bray's Birthday Party in August...I know I'm a little early, but I LOVE TO PLAN A PARTY!

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